Change of email address

Important note - new email address.

following the recent upheaval at Tiscali / TalkTalk our old email address has become increasingly difficult to access. In future if you want to get in touch it's better to use

Saturday 21 July 2018

Holy Trinity and Ball Colgrave
Both went off well this week. No pictures from Holy Trinity (Headington) but keep your eyed peeled during the winter. BBC4 T.V. were there filming the Morris dancers but took a considerable amount of footage of Rosie, and got us a sign the relevant "release" forms. No guarantees the programs will actually go out but who knows, we may be famous yet.
Ball Colgerave mid week was as beautiful as ever. Over 1500 attended the open evening with  proceeds to  Katharine House, and to the David Colegrave Foundation.
On the way back to the car park
Seemed too good a shot to miss.
Rosie on site at Ball Colgrave

Monday 16 July 2018

Hi, it's been a while since I updated this but a quick look through this morning suggests it still contains the essential information. I'm hoping to tidy it up a bring it more up to date in the days to come but for now suffice to say "Rosie", Anne and I (Alan) are still around.