Change of email address

Important note - new email address.

following the recent upheaval at Tiscali / TalkTalk our old email address has become increasingly difficult to access. In future if you want to get in touch it's better to use

Monday 11 April 2011

Oxford Castle May 1st update

Not a lot to add as the event is going ahead as planned except a 1000 start rather than 0900.

As all the owners there are BOGA  members
(British Organ Grinders' Assoc. we'll have a few pictures of other events we've run or attended and other info re the association dotted round the organs.

We spent a couple of hours at the castle a few days ago on a photoshoot - publicity for the day along with other characters who will be playing a part. Not sure when it will appear but I expect a spread in the local press in the week or so preceeding the event. I've pinched a copy of one of the picture (left) but hope there may be more. BOGA official phtographers wuill be present on the day anyway.
Hope to see some of you on the 1st.
