Change of email address

Important note - new email address.

following the recent upheaval at Tiscali / TalkTalk our old email address has become increasingly difficult to access. In future if you want to get in touch it's better to use

Friday 12 June 2015

Back in Business

After an enforced break we seem to be back in business.

Rosie's problems had us worried for a while, and none of our efforts to make her better had any effect. Finally I went for major surgery and last summer saw a kit of parts for a small Fussell organ arranged in any available space round the house. I took a lot of pictures at the time but just at the moment can't find them. I hope they'll turn up but I have just a suspicion that they are on the backup disks my "friends" at TVP*  have taken.

That actually didn't achieve anything as once back together we still had the same problems - no air pressure, or at least very little and certainly not enough to play properly.  Finally common sense took over. If the problem's not in any of the parts I've checked out it has to be somewhere else. But where? There was only one place I hadn't taken apart but that was because it would have been a hammer and chisel job to do so. Then inspiration. The tracker bar has square holes (unusually) but the pipes coming out of the bottom are round. The old problem of a square peg and a round hole or vice versa. OK, but how to fix it? Well, to keep this short, a drop of water from an eyedropper. It trickled down the hole and filled the corners, and Rosie worked for a few minutes till the water got blown through. I've now found that three drops at every roll change keeps us going and am investigating the possibility that a drop of liquid soap will gradually form a permanent seal as the water dries out leaving the soap as a sealer.