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Saturday 16 June 2012

Jubilee Weekend

Botley (West Oxford

First time out since Christmas and altogether a busy weekend. After a final tweak to the tuning on Thursday she sounded absolutely awful in the morning while I was loading the car, that’s what comes of tuning in the lounge on a sunny afternoon then leaving her in the entrance overnight. Never mind, worst case scenario see what happens when we get there and deal with the worst of it on the spot.

Friday afternoon we were at the West Oxford Community Centre for the Farmer’s and Community Market. This is a new venture on this site, the weather held up and Rosie behaved. A quick test and she sounded perfect , no need for any attention. Set up and take a tea break. 

Congratulations to the organisers, this venture deserves to succeed. Maybe not too many stalls but that will increase as word gets round and those that were there were first class, quality produce and goods. Other similar ventures could learn from here though to be fair the other market I know well, at Oxford Castle, is pretty good too. Others rate a diplomatic silence though I haven’t actually been to that many.


Sunday was intended to be a day out busking on the street, probably in Headington, but morning rain made me think twice about it and in the end a good book and hot bath in the afternoon won out.
On Monday we were at Blockley, a beautiful village near Morton in the Marsh. Although we had covering to work under the rain kept off and it wasn’t really needed. As an ex music teacher I liked the kids singing – WELL DONE. The dog show must have been good but I didn’t get to look in. Lots of happy looking dogs and owners about though. 

Plenty of stalls,  good food and drink and a parade to kick it all off. No pictures of the parade as I was too busy watching and forgot to take any.  I did manage this shot of the “Queen” and a friend later on, also one of the “Queen” turning the handle. Rosie – by Royal Appointment.

Tuesday was Sunningwell Festival,

which is actually much longer than just the Jubilee weekend. The weather wasn’t kind but the gazebo provided kept the show on the road. See their own web site for more about the festival as a whole. Tuesday  was devoted to watching the Service on a large screen followed by lunch, unfortunately indoors because of the reign. Another dog show in the afternoon which again I missed as we were earning our keep outside the village hall but lots of happy wagging later on says this one too went well. The dogs didn't seem to mind the rain. Sorry, no pictures as I left the camera behind but another good day. The evening concert, Spiers and Boden on the pond was first class. Not my usual style but makes me wonder what I’ve been missing. Look them up if they’re near you.