Change of email address

Important note - new email address.

following the recent upheaval at Tiscali / TalkTalk our old email address has become increasingly difficult to access. In future if you want to get in touch it's better to use

Friday 11 November 2011

Minor problem but business almost as usual

Nothing to say for a while as things have been quiet on the organ front. We're gearing up for Christmas, checking lights and decorations and so on. Thanks to all those friends who are helping to keep us on the road for a while, often at expense to themselves. They say that's what friends are for but they have gone over and above any calls of duty this time.

Our weekend at the food festival has paid for a couple of new rolls - no titles here as these things can be misrepresented by those with twisted minds - but they're two rolls I've wanted for some time.  I'm still hoping to produce my own rolls at some time and now that Mel Wright will punch them from my files I guess I've no real excuse not to try something out over the winter. The arrangements all sound OK on the computer but the proof of the pudding as they say... 

My kitchen is currently a disaster area as I'm trying to build a bike trailer in the middle of it. Not a trailer for a bike, a trailer for the bike to pull with Rosie on it. Parking in Oxford has become so impossible now, either banned altogether, severely restricted by residents parking zones or just prohibitively expensive that I'm looking into other ways of moving Rosie around the town for local events. It could make the town centre a possibility and keep Headington on the map. Once outside the ring road the problem disappears.